Last Night of Peace
short story

Author's statement
The short story "Last Night of Peace" started as a story of tiny, gnome-like people living in a house. Using a combination of ingenuity and supernatural abilities, they took over different parts of the house (walls, floor, ceiling, and the air in between), and split into different groups, or even nations, over time. They were abandoned by the scientist who created them for unknown reasons, and now, as winter sets in, they are finding it more and more difficult to survive, and the fighting has broken out between the different nations. The story takes place while the "clouds of war" are still gathering, as the people on the ceiling prepare to assert their dominance over the other nations.
Written by: Supravo Rahman
Painting: Boulevard des Fleurs (Claude Leroux, 1930-2006)
Supravo Rahman is an aspiring writer from Bangladesh. He is currently an undergraduate student of biomedical engineering at University College London. His writing mostly involves science-fiction and fantasy, of which he is also an avid reader. Besides reading and writing, he also enjoys traveling to new places and different countries.