What is existence but to be here now?
To be remembered, loved, importance swell’d
Memories beholden, to you endowed
To be protected, unvanquished, and beheld
Once beloved, dearest treasure
Lost to time, curs-ed wonder
Forgotten here, in this place
Anguish, pain, and disgrace
But what is that, what do i hear
My lord returns, they draw near
I see them there, so close, so real
My saving grace, i can feel
In all my glory, in all my shame
They see me here, they call my name
I’m free at last, or so i thought
But ‘twas not them, assuredly not
Without care and without love
Thought for my life, none thereof
Torn from peace, my life appraised
My soul in gold, does this thief weigh
Rust and moth, come doth destroy
The world, of hope, now gone; devoid
Into this sea I do now sink
This is the end, indeed I think
What I'd Do ForYou
I would walk a thousand miles with you on my back
if it meant your ankles would remain unbruised
fall asleep in a blazing house if it meant the sun would never
scorch the back of your neck
I'd drown in the deepest ocean abyss if it meant
the rain wouldn't touch your head
or carry the weight of the world with a smile
if only you could run and dance care-free on a grassy hilltop
but life has no mercy, not even for the most pitiful
i'd tear out my eyes if only i could see you again
smiling so brightly as birds chirp in the garden
i'd have hot wax poured in my ears if only i could hear you
scold me for buying you roses for the fourth time that week
i'd give up my nose if only i could smell your damp, rose-scented hair
or my lips to feel your own pressed ever gently against mine
my arms and hands to feel your soft embrace one last time
my lungs if only you'd take one more breath
my heart if only yours would beat again
oh what I'd do for you
Poet's Description for "Existence"
Existence is an attempt at succinctly articulating why we, as individuals, exist. It in large part is an examination at my own reason for being. This poem is very short, but I feel that it captures the essence of the purpose of my existence very well. It brings to attention the importance of living in the here and now and having those in your life who cherish you dearly.
Written by: Samuel Wu
Painting: Sledding on a Sunny Day (Walter Moras)
Samuel Wu is a student at Leland High School. They enjoy the art of poetry and the freedom it imparts into their ability to express thoughts and ideas and emotion. They often try to articulate broad concepts and ideas or write about specific feelings and emotions. They often think of what to write during rather mundane moments throughout the day.