Soul Speaks
How fine are the humans!
Well wishers and friends.
Replete with purity, no one pretends.
The kindness and love for them is what
I feel, I show.
Some call them selfish, some other call fake;
I am told to recognize them. Not to mistake
And zero promises to make.
To be aware of the truth,
I observe, I know.
They put me in the right direction
By showing their evil reflections;
Which I could never knew through their overlapping actions.
The shocking behaviour of them is when
I get, I go.
Who thought, they would be disloyal
Listening to their lovely fictional tales!
Enough! Those trouble makers are so unwell.
But I make them fall. 'Cause above all,
I rise, I grow.
Within the masks, they hide their face;
With their arms, they harm other race.
Insane! How strange!!
Once I know their reality,
I smile, I leave.
In spite of the wounds they cause;
Taking a minute of pause,
Despite knowing their flaws.
I would be able to survive is what
I hope, I believe.
The goodness has to be entangled and twined;
A strong bond has to be bind.
Nothing can beat me, ‘cause I'm determined.
To fulfill the desires and yearnings,
I dream, I achieve.
I'm grateful for having this beautiful life.
Hence I can't let my aspirations dive.
I'm passionate enough, so I strive.
To uplift my heart and soul,
I laugh, I live.
Poet's Statement
The poem explicit the positive views of a human for a human which turns into negativity with the passage of time. But to be aware of the reality, i.e. to know the real faces behind the masks is something really tough. As a result, we end up trusting even the evilest being. But then there come some people who are quite experienced about the unbelievable reality of certain people and they advise us to be careful of them and not to trust them. We too start learning about those people who always try to spread negativity and wish to end this world. But even after knowing them, we choose to keep quiet, to stay away from them. Because at the end of the day, what matters is to live the life we want. And this very thing makes them fall.
Hailing from the Land of Greenary, Assam, Jumismita Das has always adored nature. She has always been fascinated by literature. Apart from writing, she possesses an interest in music, art, and photography. Her works have been published in magazines like LitGleam, Riot and Roux, Rhodora, Maythorn, etc., also in newspapers and 15+ poetry and short-story anthologies of the Write Order Publications. She is a Post-Graduate in English (Linguistics) and currently in the Profession of teaching.