Isabella Lobo
.So That Thy Days May Be Long.
short story

Writer's Statement
“So That Thy Days May Be Long” is a story of not only childhood, but of the sudden and jarring experiences that force one to exit it prematurely. Growing up is not always the gradual process we would like it to be, the slow and steady realization of the nature of the world, but is sometimes accelerated when the most painful aspects of life are thrust upon us at our most innocent ages. As the protagonist Estrella discovers, these experiences can be found in the most personal recesses of our life, and with the people we hold in the greatest love and authority.
Written by : Isabella Lobo
Painting : Winter in the Country (George Henry Durrie, 1857)
Isabella Lobo is a writer and artist born in Minnesota and currently living in Southeast Florida. Her work serves as a personal exploration of American life, rooted in her experiences in both the American Midwest and the South. Her artwork and writing have received awards at the national level through Scholastic Art and Writing and has been published in COUNTERCLOCK Lit as well as the “Turn the Page” anthology.
Email: isabella.e.lobo@gmail.com
Instagram: @loba.artz