To the stars and nonsense
I am playing with days
Like pawns
And I strongly believe
That a big turn will happen
in this game –
Sometimes I tear the memories
from the calendar
Like the map of the
good old world full of vain.
I am playing with shadows
Of those who don’t know
How the day hurts
When it is beautiful,
I am playing with pain,
Sitting on the swing,
Like a widow of past,
holding on the wedding ring.
I am playing with words
Burnt in hope
Believing that I am
Lost in the future,
Like the pieces of freedom
Stuck under my skin,
Feeling the pain of past, my twin.
I am playing
While I run,
Because life makes sense only in that way,
Licking my lips on pride,
Snarling on love,
And on to the stars and nonsense.
Don't try
Don’t try this at home,
with open palm on hearth
and other impossible things –
I never told her
And she became distant more
And more every day,
Going her own separate way.
She always asked too much
That little fool,
Dancer from the absurd,
She knew too good all the
Sometimes stealing
The spotlight,
And never ever healing
Through the fight.
I could have shouted to her
That it's not worth it
And that she should come back,
That there are other seas
To sail –
But I didn’t have will or voice,
And she needed to go by herself,
Like the river,
Not searching for salvation nor forgiveness,
Not taking the coins of silver.
She swung too much,
That little fool
Who tamed the silences,
She often washed the lies,
Separating the life from dust,
I could have called her –
But she would have polished the rust.
Maybe I could have shouted to her
That there are beautiful shortcuts,
That sometimes she could use
The roads taken more often,
but it seems it is to late
she went to wander
I can only wish her
Sailing with thunder.
Poet's Description
The poem “To the Stars and Nonsense” was created on a gloomy evening, as an attempt to deal with both past and future. It is one of these creations that face you with your unconscious and face you with the things you would never say out loud. It is also a reminder that sometimes we try too much for something, while we find joy in simple things.